Homemade All Purpose Spray

My mom is kind enough at this season in my life to clean the toilets and the sinks for me.  It’s not in anyone’s best interest for me to clean those right now, anyway.  I have an instant gag reflex just thinking about it!  I can handle the tub/shower, but that’s about it…with a house full of kiddos the toilet can get pretty stinky.  I was training the oldest kiddos to clean them at one point but they all came down with a stomach virus so mom was convinced that it was from them cleaning the cammode so she decided they shouldn’t do it.  *sigh*  They’ll learn some day I suppose.  So…back to my story…since my mom comes from a generation of a chemical for all things and a pill for what ails you she’s a hard one to switch over to natural products.  She’s coming along, though.  She’s used to my Homemade Laundry Soap (I use something like Amy’s HERE) and my Homemade Dishwasher Soap.  She’s even using baking soda and vinegar to clean the toilet bowl instead of the blue chemical that ends up who knows where.  Today will be the test.  This morning she asked if hubby could pick up some L*sol All Purpose cleaner spray on his way home.  I really don’t like paying the price for a bottle full of chemicals I can’t pronounce that (once again) end up who knows where.  I know I can get a pretty good deal with sales and coupons, but I don’t think it’s worth it.  I’ve found a few recipes and made my own concoction for an all purpose cleaner…a very inexpensive one. 

Homemade All Purpose Cleaner Spray
2 T. vinegar
1 tsp. borax
2 drops of dish soap
16 oz. very hot water

Using a funnel pour vinegar, borax, and hot water into a clean spray bottle.  Shake it up very well until the borax is dissolved.  (It will clog the sprayer nozzle if it’s not.)  Add 2 drops of dish soap of choice and shake.  Use it to clean the sinks, the counters, the tub, the shower, the toilet seats, the floor, etc.

Let me know what you think!

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