Here’s a list of ideas that we find handy:
Vinegar in the laundry is great to clean some smelliness out of the washer but did you know that you can use it as an inexpensive fabric softener? You’re clothes won’t smell like vinegar afterward, either. Just add 1/4 cup to the rinse cup.
I sprinkle baking soda in the bathtub and then with a vinegar soaked rag scrub away and rinse with water. It gets the soap scum off and is sparkling clean!
For an odor free carpet just sprinkle baking soda on your carpet, let it sit for 15 minutes or so and then vacuum.
I’m sure you all know to put a box of opened baking soda in your refrigerators to keep the smellies away!
Run out of toothpaste? Sprinkle a small amount of baking soda in the palm of your hand, wet your toothbrush, dip it in the baking soda and brush away. If you have some mint flavoring you could add that for a fresh minty taste.
For more vinegar cleaning tips visit this Vinegar Tips site.
For more baking soda cleaning tips visit this Green Living site.
*pic. from jennifermccolm.com